5 Mindful Practices For Novice Millionaires: Stage 5

01/01/2024 by Linden

forever faces carved into tree trunks by First Nations

Hey there, novice millionaires! As we journey through mindful practices, the more you dive into it, the closer you get to uncovering your eternal self – a symbol of your true nature.

When your eyelids are closed, can you recall your own face?

It’s not the one in mirrors or photos; it’s your eternal face, tied to the DNA of your ancestral line.

First Nation people spend ages meditating to glimpse their forever faces.

You’re no longer a novice if you’ve regularly practised mindfulness in the previous four stages. Recognize your endurance and determination to reconnect with your true nature, which you likely knew as a child before societal conditioning took over.

Setting the Mindful Stage: Prepping Your Space

In your mindful zone, gather three things:

  1. An image of a perfect circle. [see below]
  2. The words: “Loving is watching ourselves and others without judging or desiring to change.”
  3. An affirmation: “I am perfect as I am.”

Gazing Into the Circle: A Practice for Present Awareness

Stand tall, whether at your desk or by a window.

Lengthen your spine, envisioning an elegant, long neck. Breathe deeply, expanding your lower rib cage with Earth’s borrowed air. Imagine your heels sinking into the Earth as your head reaches for the sky.

When ready, blink 20-30 times to refresh your eyes naturally.

a perfect circle

Gaze at the perfect circle for as long as comfortable, lowering your eyelids when done.

Inviting Reflection: Embracing Self-Acceptance and Love

Sit comfortably and gaze at the following quote without judgment:

Juddu Krishnamurtu, Brockwood Park, 1984

Contemplate and jot down your thoughts in your mindfulness notebook. (see Self-reflection for Personal and Financial Growth)

Then, shift your focus to the affirmation:

Reflecting on these words will solidify your mindful state.

Taking Mindfulness Beyond the Basics

When re-entering the external world, carry the perfect circle, quote, and affirmation with you.

Whenever the opportunity arises, revisit them and smile joyfully at your incredible inner resources.

You’re no longer a novice. What have you achieved during these days of mindfulness? Consider revisiting all five stages; they’re the foundation for ongoing practice.

When you feel ready and complete all five stages, enjoy my gift.

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