About Linden

me at Monument Valley

This site is dedicated to exploring the mindset millionaires cultivate to become successful. I am apprenticed to a millionaire who sets everything up for my success.

You will find millionaire profiles here in interviews, what they have written, and the digital products they have created to take them to success. I will also examine the notions of ‘work’ (both paid and unpaid), how employers reimburse workers and assess their value, retirement from working and the idea that all human beings have the unique potential to unleash independently.

In November 2023, after recovering from the shock of retiring from a lifetime of working as a mindful educator to line other people’s pockets and help them develop, I discovered the reality of work and what exactly it is. From that point forward, I am determined to make my millions journeying from behind the scenes into centre stage and will document that journey here as a journal.

Since the age of 20, I have worked conscientiously and sincerely as a mindful educator for the benefit of others. Society pressured me to obtain qualifications, follow a career path to gain experience, and accept an often meager salary in exchange for my input. I fully believed this was the right path until I experienced disillusionment and deep tiredness in the last few years.

Then, I retired from professional public life and slowly realized I had been involved in a conspiracy! Working for others many hours a day, many weeks a year has meant neglecting my loved ones, missing opportunities to rest, and thinking about my wealth. Luckily, because of my mindfulness training, I did not suffer seriously from ‘burnout’, and I have never felt so healthy and resilient as I do in my new endeavour.

Having worked for so many years, I can harness all that energy expended during all those hours to create my ideal business world. So, I have set the target of 18 months to achieve the desired state of being wealthy, healthy, and rested and thinking of myself for a change.

Most people have an image of the typical millionaire with their lavish and, some say, excessive lifestyles and preferences. However, after I became apprenticed to a millionaire and examined his values and lifestyle, I realized that some are modest and fastidious and pure in mind.

I will describe the history and present-day lifestyle of my master millionaire and other high achievers. In most cases, they have the will to help others reach their goals and share their methods through digital products they are making available to others. They believe there is plenty of wealth from internet business to share, so they nurture others responsibly and sincerely.

There are four kinds of wealth:

  • Financial (assets)
  • Social (status)
  • Physical (health)
  • Time (freedom)

As a mindful practitioner, I aim to lead a balanced life while attracting wealth from the vast coffers of the internet. I am also keen to see internet wealth get into the hands of people like myself with honourable ideals so that the future of the human race is bright.

I am searching to redefine success in terms of wealth diversification shortly. I also plan to invest in wealth education and mindfulness projects for the global community so that the hope of eradicating poverty becomes real. I am not what I do, although society led me to believe that that was so. I am no longer willing to connect to monetary assets or professional status to being human. They are just symbols enabling me to bring out my natural potential fully. My true nature can never have a monetary value assigned to it.

I plan to write a candid diary charting my successes and failures as I use this roadmap to reach my destination. These will be real-time updates on my entrepreneurial journey. I am interested in sharing my creative journey as a writer and designer in this pathway as a potential inspiration for my visitors.

I am excited to share my roadmap and blueprint and give you access to various digital products to revolutionize your thinking about wealth as the next 18 months unfold.

I am a Wealthy Affiliate

An integral part of my approach to this whirlwind journey is the perfect platform, Wealthy Affiliate. It was recommended to me when I was just about to give up trying to find any success in my Internet business. So, in many ways, I’m here today because of Wealthy Affiliate.

It provides everything I need to keep me balanced as I create and move forward on the pathway.

You can read more about it here: Chunk Up to create your internet business while all the technical detail is managed for you and here: Unlock Your Potential with Wealthy Affiliate: The All-in-One Platform for Novice Millionaires

If you want to know more about it, you can create a free Starter Account without a credit card. But if you would like an initiated guide, I’d be happy to refer you and ensure you find your way around easily.

You can read my full review of Wealthy Affiliate here: The Perfect Platform.

I am a wealthy affiliate, so if you choose to have me refer you, I will earn a small commission to help me on my Millionaire’s Road! No costs are incurred for you, and you get my full endorsement.

4 thoughts on “About Linden”

  1. I find the topic quite intriguing. Exploring the mindset of millionaires and how they achieve success can be a valuable source of inspiration and knowledge for those of us who are looking to improve our own lives. It’s always interesting to learn from those who have already achieved great things and see what we can apply to our own journeys. Plus, the idea of focusing on personal potential and finding value beyond monetary assets and professional status resonates with me. We’re all more than just our bank accounts, aren’t we? 

    • Hi Raymond. Thank you. Short and sweet. We are absolutely incalculably more than our bank accounts or money-earning-for-others pursuits. We need to stop sacrificing ourselves and living second-hand. I can create only from my own mind and drive: the arbitrary symbol of money is definitely not connected to this. Watch this space.

      Success. And blessings. 😇

  2. Wonderful to meet you Linden. I commend you for retiring from public life as a mindful educator and embracing the millionaire mindset.  I absolutely love your idea of interviewing millionaires and sharing their success stories. 

    I’m on a very similar journey to you.  I have committed to working with a Millionaire mentor for a year and have interviewed her.  

    Her teaching is perhaps a little different to what others teach because she focuses on mindset and intuition training. Helping us uncover and clear the unconscious beliefs that have held us back in the past and focus on the kind of mindset that will set us up for success. While also learning how to trust and follow our own intuitive nudges to take inspired action.

    What’s also distinctly different to most internet millionaires I’ve seen online, is she teaches how to create wealth with ease, joy, and flow, rather than hustling for it. That really resonates with me because I’m so tired of the hustle – the work-hard-for-money paradigm. I know there’s got to be an easier way.

    In the program I’ll be doing with her for a year, she interviews one Millionaire a week – could be a great place for you to find people to interview? 

    • Wonderful comment Lauren! So glad we have so much in common and can travel some way together.

      Your mentor sounds very interesting so I would love to connect with her if you would be kind enough to introduce me. 

      I agree about the ongoing hustling and bustling! You may be interested in my other site: https://jambhalawealth.com which focuses only on spiritual strategies to attract wealth, health, good fortune and success. I’m a seasoned Buddhist so have decided to spiritualize the whole business of money and value. There is a much easier way and I hope to attract attention to the energic power each human has when it’s correctly connected to the Universe!

      One of my mentors Michael Cheney lives like a monk. He is not overtly spiritual but his way of life is. His family comes first and his money-making activities second; he wants to leave a legacy to everyone which offers the key to attracting wealth based on his trial and error over the last 25 years.

      So, here’s to easy and mindful wealth attraction and success. We need to ensure that internet wealth gets into the right hands, don’t we? 😇

      Blessings and success!


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