Mindful Millionaire

Welcome to the “Mindful Millionaire” series, curated especially for novices aged 20 to 40, eager to embark on a journey towards prosperity, fulfilment, and a heightened mindset. This series introduces you to five mindful practices that promise to be a catalyst for attracting great wealth, good health, good fortune, and dazzling success into your life.

Embarking on this journey requires a commitment to transform your mindset. In the hustle and bustle of the Internet-dominated world, losing sight of your personal needs is easy. However, with mindfulness as your chief balancer, you’ll be equipped to navigate life’s complexities easily.

Consider this series a foundational course, urging you to take the time needed to elevate yourself into a mindful state. Each stage is crucial, and spending at least one week on each stage is recommended. Doing so will attract positivity from the Universe and ensure your mental health remains balanced.

As you progress through each stage, the goal is to incorporate your newfound mindfulness into your daily life. Building a solid foundation will prove invaluable when faced with challenges and hurdles on your path to success.

To demonstrate mastery of each stage, take a moment to engage with the content. Liking and commenting on each stage will not only solidify your commitment but also contribute to the improvement and accessibility of the series. Your feedback is a crucial part of this shared journey toward prosperity.

5 thoughts on “Mindful Millionaire”

  1. This is a great idea and not one to be understated!! I am a big believer in positivity and visualising what you want, otherwise known as laws of attraction, which I think this ties in to. The idea of having a course to follow spending a week or possibly more to master them depending on time constraints is great as it can be done at one’s own pace.

    This course is also perfectly set out for novices because, it is so so easy for your mind to wander from one thing to the next that needs to be done. The instructions on how to engage and get the best out of the series is also something not to be overlooked. This is a great concept and a must read for novices to the online world!!

    I’ll also say that the steps outlined in the actual series are very well written and easy to follow. Well done Linden, keep up the good work!

    • Ryan, I’m so glad!  I recommended this mindful practice in a previous comment, not knowing you would comment on the series. Brilliant!

      Keep 20 mins a day free to spend mindfully, and soon, you’ll be ready to move into meditation. I’m just creating a 6-step meditation course with different focuses on types of wealth.

      Thank you for reviewing this post so thoroughly and writing a comment that will encourage others.

      Blessings and full mind to you.


  2. Hi

    I found your five-step program fascinating mostly because it connects meditation and mindfulness into personal financial success. The two don’t have to be mutual exclusive. My question is for someone who has a tightly booked schedule what is the minimum amount of time we can spend on this training and still reap the benefits?



    • Thanks for this Bernard. I’m glad the series caught your attention and was easy to navigate. 

      If you’re very busy, then 20 mins a day in your mindful place and “moments’ throughout the day. You need to become conscious of your thoughts – are they positive or negative? – and if they are negative, then tune-up to a new frequency and let them float past like dead leaves on a stream – nothing to do with you. This article about the Law of Attraction may help: https://millionairemindsetroad

      Once you start, it becomes progressively easier to watch your thoughts. Every thought you think creates your future and the feelings that accompany each thought are your barometer. 

      Happy mindfulness and success.

  3. Hi

    I found your five-step program fascinating mostly because it connects meditation and mindfulness into personal financial success. The two don’t have to be mutual exclusive. My question is for someone who has a tightly booked schedule what is the minimum amount of time we can spend on this training and still reap the benefits?




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