The Chronicles: Day 86

a group of people sit under a large tree in ancient times listening to wise teachings.

March is here, and as I sit listening to the winds shipping around the mature trees outside, I can feel spring rattling the door, desperate to get in. Thankfully, I am now starting to walk after two months of immobility. It’s still painful, and I walk a little like Charley Chaplin, but I can now get around unaided, and yesterday, I even drove for the first time in over two months.

What an incredible period of reflection it has been. As I mentioned last time, pain is a fabulous resource if you know how to use it and avoid shooting a second, blaming arrow at yourself.

While in a cast, I managed to keep working for a large part of every day. One day, my partner remarked on how pale I looked compared to before the accident. This is so because I have been unable to walk outside for at least an hour daily. But I have channelled all that outdoor time into developing my businesses and walking down my millionaire’s roadmap.

I can hardly believe that I now have four websites indexing on Google and appearing in the search results. I’ve had several emails congratulating me from Google Console, so at last, I have emerged from the tunnel of unknowing.

Creating new websites is genuinely an act of faith. Until you have published at least 30 articles to display your topic authority and received comments on as many as possible to show engagement, it is impossible to know if anyone is interested in your niche, especially in my case, as all of my websites have a spiritual/philosophical quality.

I feel launched, and my chosen direction is valid and potentially successful.

At this point, I’d like to pay tribute to my base, Wealthy Affiliate. I joined in November 2023 on a free account and almost immediately upgraded to Premium+. Then, I was tasked with an incredible pay-it-forward system which keeps you producing content and improving all the skills required to be a website owner.

As you add content to each website, it is monitored so that you can quickly see what you need to do next and where you need to catch up. There is a progress bar that starts off red – ‘site health needs work’- and gradually changes through blue and eventually becomes green, which means ‘site health is awesome.’ I have been motivated to keep all four sites in the green zone.

this is the website monitor from WA to show the condition of your website and motivate you to work on it.

These are the parameters you are working to improve:

  • Publishing frequency
  •  Content quality and variety
  •  Visitor engagement (comments)
  •  Your engagement (answering comments)
  •  Plugins
  •  Google Ranked
  •  Site Trust
  •  Website feedback

I look at this daily, and it maps out my day.

You may wonder how brand-new websites can get comments. Having spent three years trying to get traffic to my site alone, I can tell you that it is impossible unless you have a good SEO structure and learn how to keep in Google’s good books. All of these are in the core training after first joining.

But here’s how the system works. You can request comments from the 2.6 million Wealthy Affiliate members anytime, but you must pay with credits. You can accumulate credits if you voluntarily offer credits to your colleagues, or if you’re in a hurry, you can purchase them. This is a brilliant system that helps everyone and gives commentators a chance to view a wide variety of websites and comment on individual posts and the website in general. I got many ideas for improving my sites from commenting and feedback.

Google can see that you are publishing frequently/regularly (2 posts a week) and have several meaningful comments on those posts. They realise your men’s business and rank you more quickly, pushing you towards Page 1, every website owner’s goal.

If you want to know everything there is to know about Wealth Affiliate, please read my comprehensive review: The Perfect Platform for Novices to Launch an Internet Business: Wealthy Affiliate 2024 Review.

I am now earning small amounts of passive income each week from my sites and adding products from the affiliate partner programs I have joined. I was not in such a hurry to do this, as I fully understood that attracting organic traffic to your sites is the top priority. My income should increase during the next few weeks before I write the next chronicle.

I have never been more pleased that Wealthy Affiliate strongly advises us to establish a solid business before we expect income. Visitors will only buy recommended products once we’ve established trust and shown your commitment to providing quality information.

Above, you can see the ‘Site Trust’ indicator on the WA website details. My first website,, is now at 40%. This has taken me three months of constant work, but I’m confident I have laid a strong foundation.

If you remember, I joined Michael Cheney’s program about the same time I joined Wealthy Affiliate. This has also been incredible training. Millionaire Mindset Roadmap is now ready to add his high-ticket products. That is one of my main tasks this week.

Michael’s energy and positive view of wealth accumulation are inspiring. He sends emails most days to me with zany notions and realisations, which move me on to agree with him. Incredible common sense combined with experience and marketing tools to ensure you are successful. Traditional work to line other people’s pockets is for the birds! I am truly living my first-hand life now and loving it.

I have created everything from scratch, I depend on no one, and the future looks bright. In addition, this is the perfect opportunity to bring my wisdom and spiritual training into the limelight, so I enjoy reframing it for the various niches I’ve created, namely,

  • – Spiritual strategies for wealth attraction
  •  https://millionairemindset – The millionaire mindset and psychological strategies
  • – Strategies for digital nomads and travellers
  • – Coaching people to step into the limelight as I did.

You may be interested to see my 5-part Preliminaries to Start on Online Business on First-Hand Life to see how I am encouraging marginal people often excluded from technology to get involved.

Last week, I started weekly sessions with him to scale up my businesses and establish a mailing list from which people will buy digital products. I will soon be receiving high-ticket commissions.

It’s hard to describe how much I am enjoying this journey. I have never done anything like this before and didn’t think I ever would. But I remain committed to the idea that the Internet is our future marketplace and refuge from pending recessions, natural disasters, the outbreak of war and pandemics. The world population is predicted to reach 8.5 billion by 2030 and 9.7 billion by 2050.

In Japan, where I have lived for almost 20 years now, there are significant social/work problems. In 2022, around 2,968 workers here committed suicide related to their working situation – karoshi – “death by overwork.” Many full-time permanent workers work 12-16 hours daily with few holidays because of fierce job competition.

Also, ‘lonely deaths’ – older people isolate themselves, and their deaths are undiscovered for days because no one misses them. By 2025, one in 5 people aged over 65 will suffer from dementia and perhaps die alone. Valid research shows that social participation may reduce dementia risk by maintaining cognitive functions and reducing stress to improve cerebrovascular health.

I have a solid mission to entice people onto the Internet, where they can interact to their heart’s content. I believe EVERYONE, young, old, disabled, long-term sick, etc., should have a Digital ID and learn how to access the many platforms which may well keep them alive.

Speaking as a person who has retired from traditional work and is not so young, my everyday life is full of communication. For example, at Wealthy Affiliate, I can chat 24/7 with an international group and ask questions of veteran internet business people and SEO experts. I am an active member of LinkedIn, Facebook, X, and others. I would be greatly missed if I went dark, I’m sure.

A young female millionaire sociializes embracing all her bank notes

4 thoughts on “The Chronicles: Day 86”

  1. You really emphasized the importance of building trust with website visitors and establishing a solid business foundation before expecting significant income. I agree with you that the support and guidance provided by Wealthy Affiliate, especially in terms of monitoring website health and facilitating engagement through comments and feedback, is priceless. I’ve experienced the same after nearly 6 years on the platform.

    Also, your article touches on the broader societal context, discussing the challenges faced by workers in traditional employment settings and advocating for the potential of internet business to provide alternative opportunities for social connection and economic participation. How do you plan to leverage affiliate marketing success to address the social and economic challenges you’ve highlighted, particularly in Japan’s context, where overwork and social isolation are prevalent issues?

    • Hi Chase,

      I’m glad you agree about W.A. It changed my life, honestly! 6 years? Great! I will never quit: W.A. is a digital lifeline!

      I would like to make my First-Hand Life site multilingual so that people in third-world countries and hybrid places like Japan can access this mindset. If more Japanese people had confidence in their abilities as individuals, they could step forward into the limelight so I will work on facilitating that. I’ve already laid the groundwork as a University teacher preparing domestic students for their careers. 

      The over-bearing patriarchal nature of Japan’s leading institutions is to blame for this lack of motivation to break out of the system. Sadly, this is causing great sadness and tragedy! 

      Thanks for your interest. Please subscribe to my latest blog posts to keep up with the situation in Japan –

      Blessings and Success


  2. The article emphasizes the importance of perseverance, quality content creation, and community engagement in building successful online ventures. Furthermore, the article highlights the potential of internet entrepreneurship as a means to address societal issues such as loneliness and overwork. Overall, it presents a compelling narrative of self-discovery, business development, and a vision for a more inclusive digital future.

    It is a really helpfull, empowering article!

    Thank you!

    • Hi again Matthias,  

      Thank you. Most of the posts relating to this are on my other site: First-Hand Life. But on my Millionaire’s challenge, of course, I’m thinking of how I can use my wealth to invest in a Digital Presence for all human beings.

      Blessings and Success with your venture!



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