Immediate Stress Relief in 40 minutes a day

The foundation position of the Alexander Technique: the semi-supine.

Introducing the Noice Millionaires Lifestyle Hack: Alexander Technique

Welcome, Novice Millionaires! In the hectic days keeping many saucers in the air of your dynamic journey into Internet Business, please listen to the silent cues of your body.

This is where the Alexander Technique—a savvy approach to spine care and overall well-being—will stand you in good stead.

What’s the Alexander Technique All About?

Victorian actors like FMAlexander had amazing military style posture

Developed by F.M. Alexander, this method revolves around body re-education. It’s not just theory; it’s grounded in practical science, understanding the intricate interplay of muscles, bones, and breath.

In brief, Alexander was a Tasmanian Actor in Victorian times. However, he encountered a persistent problem with voice loss when he performed, which endangered his livelihood (there were no microphones at the time) So, he got medical advice, and no doctor could give him a solution or cause.

So he set up an intricate series of mirrors to view his entire body and observed in detail precisely what he did when he stood up to perform. He quickly discovered that he:

By experimentation, he realised he could drop his chin, lengthen the back of his neck, soften his chest, relax his legs and buttocks, and still project his voice loudly enough into a theatre auditorium.

From these discoveries, he created a whole technique that is used widely today, especially for the performing arts and public speaking. Without any anatomical knowledge, he identified what he called Primary Control—the delicate relationship between head, neck, and back.

The Semi-Supine Position – see the opening drawing of this article.

Do the following 20 minutes, twice daily.

Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor.

No plush mattresses—opt for a firm surface.

Here’s how:

  • Settle on a hard surface, like the floor.
  • Use minimal support under your head—think of a couple of thin books (2 cm maximum).
  • Ensure your elbows are down, palms on your abdomen, and feet flat on the floor.
  • Relax and let gravity work its magic.
a body lies in the semi-supine showing the skeleton to help people think inside the body.

The Art of Thinking Inside the Body

Now, let’s look more closely into the mind-body connection.

As you lie in this foundation position, practice directing your focus inward, tuning into the subtle sensations and movements within.

It’s all about mindfulness and being entirely present.

Why Should Noice Millionaires Care?

Incorporating the Alexander Technique will bring about considerable changes in your bustling lifestyle.

Whether you’re planning your next campaign or glued to your laptop creating content, it safeguards your spine and fosters deeper self-awareness.

Plus, as you ride the waves of change, it’s your steady anchor.

Embrace the Technique

While travelling the road to success, consider the Alexander Technique your secret weapon—a simple yet profound ally for nurturing your body and mind.

If you would like to examine your spine more deeply, please read Mindful Practices for Spine Health from my spiritual strategies site:

PS: As you take your mind around your body when you are lying down, please imagine all 33 bones of your spinal column and remember that there is a soft disc of cartilage in between each bone, which, as you lie down for 20 minutes, soften and become spongy once more.

When you stand again, you will be taller, wider and better able to withstand the incredible force of gravity.

a woman sits and her spinal skeleton shows in detail
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4 thoughts on “Immediate Stress Relief in 40 minutes a day”

  1. I have heard about various methods to manage stress, but this is the first time I have heard of the Alexander Technique! Definitely a new one on me.

    It sounds really interesting and somewhat different from anything I have read about before. 

    If you do not mind, I wanted to ask if have you seen any changes in people’s stress levels over a long period with this technique? 

    Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed my visit to you.


    • Hi Chris. Thank you for your enthusiastic comment. 

      It is the best body reeducation technique I know. I have taught it for years. And yes, stress just disappears, especially if you commit yourself to 20 minutes twice a day! You will see the effects within a week.

      Let me know if you would like to know any more about it. 

      Blessings and stresslessness! 

  2. Great post about stress relief. I had never heard of the Alexander Technique before, but it really sounds like it is accessible to those leading busy lifestyles, like yours truly. It’s fascinating how a Victorian actor’s self-discovery has evolved into a widely-used method for enhancing posture and well-being.

    How soon can one expect to see noticeable benefits from practicing the Alexander Technique daily, and are there any common challenges beginners might face when starting out?

    – Scott

    • Scott, I am so glad I could introduce you to one of my heroes, FMAlexander. I promise you that if you lie in the semi-supine position for 20 minutes twice a day for a week, you will not only feel a change in your deportment and spine health but also in your mental health. Because it is non-doing, you can rest your mind and return to your busy life refreshed.

      Please try it. You might also enjoy this from my more spiritual website: Holistic Approaches to Optimal Health 

      Blessings and Success. 🌺



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